This blog began as an example for me to use to help my uncle start his own blog. From there it has grown to a series of useful tips for anyone who is new to blogging and has chosen Blogger as their blogging platform.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Posting Photos on Blogger from Picasa

As a test of the feature in Google's Picassa photo storage and editing system, I have posted a photo of my daughter and her boyfriend, Daniel.

I hope to see how Bogger accepts the transfer of the photo from my computer's photo album. I haven't found, yet, that Picassa will allow me to adjust the pixel size and the dimentions of the of the photo. That bothers me a little, because I don't want my photo's to download slowly for the readers of my blog.

I like to have a little control over the size of the picture. If Blogger and Picassa don't somehow optimize the picture size automatically, I will have to use my Photoshop Elements program to do that.

Please leave a comment to let me know how long this post took to load completely compared to other similar posts with photos.
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Blogger Comment Settings

I've recorded a short video that describes the settings I recommend in your Blogger Dashboard that will safely allow any of your readers to leave comments.

When the video presentation is finished, press you back button to return here. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think of the presentation.