This is the blog I put together so I could write down the step by step instructions for Uncle Stan to follow to get his blog started.
For a free and simple to use blogging platform, I would recommend Blogger is owned by Google and is one of the most popular.
Go to and begin the 3 easy steps.
1. Create an account
2. Name your blog
3. Choose a template
In the upper right corner of the page, you will need to put in a username (email address) and password then press "sign in".
Put in your Display Name - this is the name that people who read your blog will see as the author of the blog. Put a check in the Terms of Service box (read them if you like).
Click on "Create your Blog Now"
Give it a title and an address. The title can be just about anything. I like to come up with a catchy title related to my theme.
The address has to be unique. If you pick an address that someone else is already using, it will kick back and ask you to try again.
If you have selected a previously unused address, when you press continue, you'll be taken to the next step.
Choose a template. This will be the "look" of your blog. Personally, I like a clean look - dark, bold lettering on a white background. I think it's a lot easier to read. When you browse through the templates they offer, you can press "preview template" to get a larger sample of the design. Once you decide which you want, click in the little button next to the name of the template you want and press "continue".
Now your blog has been created and you can start posting.
The whiteboard where you write your post has two tabs. Be sure to use the "compose" tab to type your post - that is, unless you are experienced in HTML programming.
When you write up a post, blogger will save automatically every little bit. Your post will not be visible to anyone but you, though, until you press the "Publish" button.
That's enough to get you started. Once you get going, let me know. I'll be happy to help you add pictures, or other formatting options. With just a little HTML programming knowledge the possibilities are limitless. But if all you want is an online journal, so to speak, you already know everything you need.